Our firm limits its litigation practice to the above three areas. Such litigation may involve the proper construction of a will or trust, a challenge to the will in the event of incompetency of the testator or any undue influence on the testator, breach of fiduciary duties and other issues that may arise in the settlement of an estate. Mr. Hunt has successfully challenged improper Kentucky tax levies the most successful being his defeating an attempt by the Revenue Cabinet to impose a severance tax on Kentucky’s coal brokers. His victory in this case not only saved his client taxes but resulted in the abatement of millions of dollars in tax assessments that were being imposed on Kentucky’s coal brokers. The firm litigates a broad range of business law matters ranging from enforcing non-compete agreements, suits interpreting and challenging various contract provisions, construction disputes, and employment-related litigation.
For a more complete understanding of your estate, business and tax litigation needs, please contact our office for an appointment.